Friday, August 14, 2009

The rude

Today I was attacked by the rude. The rude didn't speak Italian. It spoke English with pretty strong and much more annoying, because it was coming from the rude, French accent. The rude inspires me, though. I'm going to turn this into an educational experience. Let's see then...

Let's start with some adjectives:

odioso, disgustoso, ripugnante - obnoxious
meschino - mean, unkind
maleducato, sgarbato, scortese (con) - rude (to)
calvo, pelato - bald

an adverb:
sgarbatamente, bruscamente - rudely

and now some nouns:

mostro - freak
deficiente - moron
idiota, stupido, fesso - twerp
psicopatico - psycho
semplicione - simpleton

Let's put it to bed then. The rude man will be forever tortured after a well aimed curse (maledizione; scagliare una maledizione contro ...), if he isn't already. And I will learn Italian.