mi |
ti |
lo, la, La |
ci |
vi |
li |
Qesto film mi annoia.
Questo film ci annoia.
Tua madre ti chama.
Well, I can handle this. Let's see, what else is there...
- DO usually precedes verb.
- If the pronoun is the object of an infinitive, then it becomes interesting. The infinitive drops the final -e and the DO is attached to it:
- Sono molto contento di vederti, Susanna.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vederla, Signora Ricci.
- before a verb beginning with a vowell or h:
- lo and la usually become l'
- li and le never become l'
- mi, ti and vi often become m', t' and v'
- ci becomes c' only before a verb beginning with e or i