Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Direct object pronouns

This is where I usually stop -- object pronouns. In any language, come to think of it. After some initial disappointments, I tried checking it out in different textbooks, which didn't help. Now I'm more inclined towards focusing on just one. It did fail me before and I still find mistakes in it, but this is the one I'm using now and that's that. So Cristina Mazzoni, Italian Made Simple, it is.

lo, la, La

Qesto film mi annoia.
Questo film ci annoia.
Tua madre ti chama.

Well, I can handle this. Let's see, what else is there...

  • DO usually precedes verb.
  • If the pronoun is the object of an infinitive, then it becomes interesting. The infinitive drops the final -e and the DO is attached to it:
  • Sono molto contento di vederti, Susanna.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vederla, Signora Ricci.
  • before a verb beginning with a vowell or h:
  • lo and la usually become l'
  • li and le never become l'
  • mi, ti and vi often become m', t' and v'
  • ci becomes c' only before a verb beginning with e or i