Wednesday, December 21, 2011

This time I'm going to do it right!

So. It has been a while. That last attempt was a bit of a failure, I have to admit. The course that I took was quite sad actually, and as much as I was the one with the best accent there, I most certainly did not learn much. I did a lot of reading out loud, so that the teacher didn't have to. That was quite pleasant but it did not foster any progress on my end.

And then I took a long French detour - when I decided that I desperately need to learn French because of Bruno Pelletier, which I almost did. I say almost because - guess what? - I don't really speak much French. I read, and watch French TV, and listen to Radio Canada, but speaking - nah, not so much. So I'm back to my old block there - no speaking.

So this time with Italian - get this - I'm gonna do it right! Oh, it sounds sooooo familiar.....