Monday, August 10, 2009

This time is going to be different...

I don’t even remember how it started. It may have been a movie. For the sake of my self-respect, let’s say it was Stealing Beauty, not Under the Tuscan Sun. I’d rather blame Liv Tyler and her adolescent, poetic and pastoral trip to Italy than Diane Lane and her post-divorce house-buying, travel-writing, pasta-cooking Tuscan peregrinations. Stealing Beauty puts me in the age group I’m much more comfortable with.

Bottom line is, at some point some years ago (I won’t go in detail at this time how many years ago – that’s a painful topic that deserves its own post, when I’m ready) I realized that Italian language makes me smile. And if something makes me smile, it’s only natural that I’d want to make it a permanent part of my life. Well, at that time I had no idea how permanent the learning stage would become.

I’ve learned languages before, although so far only English has a checkmark next to it. (Despite my obvious vocabulary and usage, if not grammatical inadequacies, I feel I mastered it enough to stop reading the dictionary on a daily basis. After all, I hold a job in which my primary function is to work with the English language.) I had a well thought-out plan of action – to proceed through the beginner, intermediate and advanced level of the language knowledge using textbooks and vocabulary lists and marking my progress as I went along. I thought that if I knew where I was, I’d know when I got there. “There” being the ability to speak, read and understand Italian like an educated native speaker (aren’t my goals lofty!?). Need I say I was wrong?
The textbooks didn’t work. I’d learn in gulps and then stop for weeks at a time. I had to redo the preliminary chapters and the intro lessons many times but the simple phrases still didn’t stick. My methods were all wrong.

So I’m starting anew.

I will chronicle my new effort to learn Italian here. I will employ new methods. And who knows, maybe the pressure of making daily reports that comes with a blog will make me regularize my learning enough to make it stick this time?